Tuesday, April 12, 2011

beach observations

On 4/11/11 me and my class traveled to many beaches so we can get data for our lab. the class was split up in two (kind of...) my group was assigned to go to sugar beach, Kam 1 beach and keawakapu beach. here are my observation on these three beaches.

Sugar Beach:

sugar beach is a white sand beach but a bit darker tint than Kam 1 or keawakapu, this leads me to think that it may be part detrital. there is a seawall to the left of the beach but i dont think that would be the resion for the darker sand tint. i know that sugar beach is also used for kanuing, the every day use of the kanues may erode the beach.

Kam 1:

kam 1 is a white sand beach. i think it is completely biogenic because the fact there is no lava rock near the beach, also the beach is white as snow. i don't know of any coral reefs near by (although there may be some), the sand might come from large deposits of sand in the ocean carried from currents.


keawakapu is one of my favorite beaches on maui. its very calm and safe to the public. although not the most appealing to those who like to surf. it is a white sand beach, if you have ever been in the water there you know where that sand comes from. to the right you see a bunch of rocks, under the water is a large coral reef. alot of the reef near the beach is dead so its obvious where some of the sand comes from. if you go farther out you can see the coral is alive with many fish hanging around. some of the corral might also come from fish poop.

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