Tuesday, January 4, 2011

in this lab there are 9 marine phyla. these are porifera, cnidoria, mollussca, arthropoda, echino, nemotoda, prutyha, annelida and crustations. we will go to the tide pools and observe and count as many marine phyla as we can. we will use a quadrate and a transect line and count up all the creatures that are in our quadrate. we will count each creature and name them by there phyla.

are research question is which marine phyla are present at the tide pools and which one is there the most of. our hypothesis is the mollusk will be the most of any phyla at the tide pools. so we found out our hypothesis was true, but there may have been sources of error such as, re counting specimen, rising tides, creatures moving ect.

it was great fun geting out there in the pools. we got to see some amazing creatures like a puffer fish! it was also a good learning experience. it kept us thinking and i don't think anyone got bored.

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