Thursday, January 27, 2011


the clinometer is very simple to use! all you need to do is follow these simple steps!
1. find your elevation via the gps.
2. find an object.
3. look at that object through the hole in your clinometer.
4. have a friend note down the angle that the string is pointing to.
5. now plug the information you have into this formula: D= elevation x Tan( angle
6. now plug this into your calculator and BLAMO! you have your distance!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

whale watch at McGregor's point

the purpose of the whale watch for me was to see how many whales i can spot, then at the end of the year compare it to the number of whales i see at McGregor's. So is there more whale at the beginning of the year or at the end of the year? if whaling has gone down id think there would be more whales at the end of the year because at that time all the whales would be done traveling. the observation at McGregor's point was great. i think i saw 4 different pods, but i only recorded 2. it was very hard to see them because they where way of in the water, also the sun reflecting of the water was making it hard to see. all i saw was water spouts, no breaching sadly.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

in this lab there are 9 marine phyla. these are porifera, cnidoria, mollussca, arthropoda, echino, nemotoda, prutyha, annelida and crustations. we will go to the tide pools and observe and count as many marine phyla as we can. we will use a quadrate and a transect line and count up all the creatures that are in our quadrate. we will count each creature and name them by there phyla.

are research question is which marine phyla are present at the tide pools and which one is there the most of. our hypothesis is the mollusk will be the most of any phyla at the tide pools. so we found out our hypothesis was true, but there may have been sources of error such as, re counting specimen, rising tides, creatures moving ect.

it was great fun geting out there in the pools. we got to see some amazing creatures like a puffer fish! it was also a good learning experience. it kept us thinking and i don't think anyone got bored.