Introduction: We all know the math behind plankton, and we also know the different kinds of plankton. So I think its safe to say we can go out to the fields! We want to know the diversity of plankton, to do this we need plankton nets and many other devices.
Question: How many different types of plankton will be in our samples?
Hypothesis: I believe there will be 20-30 types of plankton
Prediction: If there are 30 plankton then there will be allot in our sample.
Procedure: We will need to put our nets in the water for 3 min, we will then take our plankton samples and examine them with a microscope. We will write down our findings. when we observe our plankton we need a pippet to suck them up. put them in a petri dish where you can observe them. It may be easier to observe them if you put that deteriate stuff in it. After you have done that observe the plankton my the digital or regular microscopes. i have found it easier with the digital ones
Materials: plankton net, ID book, microscope, microscope slides, cover slips, pippets,
salinity- 0
temperature- 25 degrees
tide- N/A
wind action- calm
cloud coverage- average
turbidity- 0
amount of plankton in sample- at least 10 to 20 different species
Conclusion: My hypothesis states that there is at least 20 to 30 different kinds of plankton in our sample. I have found there to be at least 10 to 20 different species of plankton in the sample. This shows us that our Hypothesis is incorrect. Even though our hypothesis minimum amount of plankton is 20 and our data's maximum amount is 20 doesn't mean its correct. the numbers are just to far off for my Hypothesis to be correct. if the data showed 15 to 25 i might accept it.