Tuesday, October 19, 2010

termites overview.

they started with a very humble environment. with little resources and only some fake silicone sand for shelter. when the first entered the test jar they seemed to know what they had to do. by the first week they already had a few tunnels under the sand. it seem as they don't know if this is or inst there natural environment. even then they are still doing work.

by the second week they have already started eating into the wood we gave them. they are out and about working to there hearts desire. munching on wood seems to keep them content. but they have no idea what will happen next. another week and there just a fine as they where last time. still working and still eating. it looks like a lot of them are just laying there, while the other guys are working. but it dose look like they have eaten more of that wood.

i think its now week 4 and BLAMO! it look like some kids where messing with the jar and ruined the termites environment. i think they had to rebuild there tunnels. i'm not sure. but other than that and there place looking like its going to fall over, everything seems fine. termites are still working and eating.

now where back from break we take a look how our termites are doing. it looks like there fine. there still doing work. holding on for life.the sand kinda leveled out for a better working environment. i don't know if the termites did that by eating it or if the sand did it on its own. if you take a look at the other periods termites they seem almost dead.